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About Aanand yog sanstha

We all are well aware about yogic role in healing people today, but more than 3 decades before my guru Dr S.V. Karandikar who is MBBS started working on this aspect of yoga under the guideline of great yogi B.K.S. iyengar. Dr Karandikar has great knowledge of modern medicine as well as side effects of medicine. In 1988 he decided to stop the practice of medicine and start working in the yoga therapy field, research, innovation, and scientific approach to words ancient yoga science gives prosperity to yoga therapy. Day by day the plant of yoga therapy groan into a tree. Patients with a heart problem, asthma, diabetes, lumbar pain, neck pain, knee pain got tremendous positive results, till 2000 Dr cured more than 10000 patients of various ailments. Till today number are more than 52000. Many surgeries were avoided and because of the result more and more people started attracted towards yoga therapy named ‘Sunjeevan yoga therapy” because this method of curing start giving new life, new hope to that patients those who are lost hope. Augmented yoga in which rope, belts, pillow, bolster various props are used to rectify postural corrections, and because of postural correction lumbar pain, neck pain, knee pain can easily remove. Increasing numbers of patients push Dr karandikar to think about multiplying helping hands, but the Medical professional was not ready because of low income, helping people with yoga was a charity at that time and no one medical profess to want to do such type of charity. so Dr karandikar decide to start a post-graduate diploma in yoga therapy. Dr Karandikar used to call these diploma holders “barefoot Doctors”. Till today he train more than 250 therapists and they are working very well not only in India but abroad also and one of them is Rajnikant Dhaygude next generation Santosh Barkade

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How does it work?

Yoga improves stretching and keeps us healthy. Therapy takes place when this stretching is done with scientific approach with thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Body is in symmetric form. study of agonist and antagonist muscles, understanding how it works in our daily routine and accordingly giving counter stretch with help of different props. ropes, belts. bolster, pillows and tractions and to bring and maintain body balance is yoga therapy. Therapy is rehabilitation, rejuvenation and restoration. Physical Benefits of Yoga Disciplines Body Increases our core strength. ​ Throughout the process, our team of certified and experienced nutritionists will monitor your progress and accordingly provide you with daily and weekly meal plan strategies, delicious recipes, encouragement, support, positivity, accountability, tips and tricks that will help you achieve your Goals.

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Our Classes

Yoga for fitness

The building blocks of yoga are poses. These are good ones to learn as you build a regular yoga practice. These 10 poses are a complete yoga workout. Move slowly through each pose, remembering to breathe as you move. Pause after any pose you find challenging, especially if you are short of breath, and start again when your breathing returns to normal. The idea is to hold each pose for a few, slow breaths before moving on to the next one. Child's Pose This calming pose is a good default pause position. You can use child’s pose to rest and refocus before continuing to your next pose. It gently stretches your lower back, hips, thighs, knees and ankles and relaxes your spine, shoulders and neck. Do it: When you want to get a nice gentle stretch through your neck spine and hips. Skip it: If you have knee injuries or ankle problems. Avoid also if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant. Modify: You can rest your head on a cushion or block. You can place a rolled towel under your ankles if they are uncomfortable. Be mindful: Focus on relaxing the muscles of the spine and lower back as you breathe.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga, (Sanskrit: “Discipline of Force”) school of Yoga that stresses mastery of the body as a way of attaining a state of spiritual perfection in which the mind is withdrawn from external objects. Hatha Yoga traces its origins especially to Gorakhnath, the legendary 11th-century founder of the Kanphata Yogis, but it grew out of yogic traditions dating back at least as far as Patanjali (2nd century BCE or 5th century CE), author of the Hindu classics the Yoga-sutras and the Mahabhasya (“Great Commentary”). Hatha Yoga places great importance on diet, purificatory processes, regulation of breathing (Pranayama), and the adoption of bodily postures called asanas, which structure a program of physical exertion. A common asana is the padmasana (“lotus posture”), in which the crossed feet rest on the opposite thighs. This is the position in which many Hindu and Buddhist gods are often depicted, but it is only one of dozens described in Hatha Yoga treatises. The “salute to the sun” is a well-known sequence of 12 asanas performed in a fluid movement.

Kriya Yoga

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 2.1 defines three types of kriya (action): The yoga of action (kriyayoga) is: asceticism (tapas), recitation (svadhyaya), and devotion (pranidhana) to Ishvara (the lord). The Yoga Sutras are generally viewed as a compendium of multiple traditions of yoga.[17][18][19] According to Feuerstein, the Yoga Sutras are a condensation of two different traditions, namely "eight limb yoga" (ashtanga yoga) and action yoga (Kriyā yoga),[17] the description of the eight limbs being an interpolation into the text on kriya.[20] According to George Feuerstein, kriya yoga is contained in chapter 1, chapter 2 verse 1-27, chapter 3 except verse 54, and chapter 4.[17] The "eight limb yoga" is described in chapter 2 verse 28–55, and chapter 3 verse 3 and 54.[17] According to Miller, Kriya yoga is the "active performance of yoga".[21] It is composed of part of the niyamas, "observances", the second limb of Patanjali's eight limbs.[21] According to Miller, Kriya yoga is a threefold discipline, involving ascetic practice, the study and chanting of sacred hymns and syllables, and dedication to god.[21] Miller also notes that some commentators regard the first five limbs together as kriya yoga, but that Patanjali himself states kriya yoga to be a subset of the second limb.[22]

Back Pain Yoga

This restorative twist promotes movement and mobility in the spine and back. It stretches your spine, back, and shoulders. Practicing this pose can help relieve pain and stiffness in your back and hips. Muscles worked: erector spinae rectus abdominis trapezius pectoralis major To do this: Lie on your back with your knees drawn into your chest and your arms extended to the side. Slowly lower your legs to the left side while keeping your knees as close together as possible. You may place a pillow under both knees or in between your knees. You can use your left hand to gently press down on your knees. Keep your neck straight, or turn it to either side. Focus on breathing deeply in this position. Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.

Cervical Pain Yoga
Knee Program

knee pain

Knee pain falls into two types. One is due to germs and the other is due to age. After forty, the flexibility of the associated muscles begins to decrease with the movement of the knee joints. As a result, there is friction between the bones, and when walking, the pain in the knee starts to increase while climbing, and this defect gradually increases and the current stops. Diseases caused by germs are less common. But the movement was slow. B) Nature of Yoga treatment: Various studies have to be done with the help of tools. Therefore, the stiffness of the muscles associated with the movement of the joints gradually dissolves and the elasticity is restored. Movement begins to improve. These seats are gradually increased. As a result, the distance between the bones in the joint increases and the friction disappears and the bone breaks down. During the treatment period, the patient can continue the medication.

Old Age Yoga

Our Services

Begineer Classes
Medical Yoga Treatment

Acharya Yogananda alias Dr. S. V. Karandikar, (M.B.B.S.) disciple of Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar (Padma Vibhushan) blended his knowledge of Modern Medical Science with the Traditional Science of Yoga for 20 years and the present yoga therapy is it's fruit.

Advanced classes

7 most popular types of yoga Hatha yoga. Ashtanga yoga. Bikram yoga. Iyengar yoga. Kundalini yoga. Restorative yoga. Yin yoga.

Medical Yoga Training
Zumba Classes

Sthira Sukham Asanam